Don't feed the Plastic Monster!
Greenpeace – Don't feed the Plastic Monster (Global campaign)
Nestlé and other multinational corporations produce massive amounts of single-use plastic packaging. As we all know, plastic is devastating communities, polluting natural environments, and threatening marine creatures around the world. Last year, Nestlé used 1.7 million tonnes of plastic packaging. And while their latest move is to try to argue the exact numbers, the simple fact remains that Nestlé produced more plastic last year than the year before.
This has got to stop. Nestlé was named one of the worst plastic polluters after cleanups and brand audits of plastic waste around the world in 2018. So the plastic monsters woke up and decided to return home to Nestlé.
Initial sketches
Colouring and details
The finished Plastic Monster
Activists visit Nestlé’s national office in Ljubljana, Slovenia, bringing them back a selection of plastic waste collected from Greenpeace supporters. The activity is part of Greenpeace’s Plastic Monster campaign calling on Nestlé to stop single-use plastic packaging and take meaningful steps towards reduction targets and offering large-scale alternative systems of refill and reuse. © Katja Hus / Greenpeace
Greenpeace activists joined a 15-foot tall monster in a visit to Nestlé’s headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, delivering Nestlé plastic pollution gathered from streets, rivers, and beaches across the country and demanding that the company take responsibility for the over 1.5 million metric tons of single-use plastic it produces annually. © Tim Aubry / Greenpeace